Wanna do sth new?

Wanna do sth new...

here I'll arrange a debating forum for you guys, just for fun, not on any controversal topic lah...

The instruction is simple. YOU HAVE TO OPPOSE THE VERY LAST COMMENT BEFORE YOURS , no matter what your real opinion is!Understand, let's start.....


You become involved romantically but after six months you realize you need to end the relationship. You were certain that the person would commit suicide if you were to leave and were also certain that you could not be happy with the person.

What would you do?

Welcome BAck


Welcome to Frenix Blogging Group--Vanishing!

After weeks of absence from the blogging world, here I'm back. But first my sincere apologize for all you guys, keeping you pop in and see nothing new...hehe

As today is 08.08.08, I got lots of wishing sms from friends...haha thanks guys (n sorry I cant reply ços phone account runned out days ago!)

Let's mark today as the beginning of Frenix Blogging Group...Anyone wanna join? Easy...just change your blog name to Frenix,....n use Frenix Symbol (we got it yet?)......

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